HEHEDF x Ljubljana

Event: "Soočenje - European Parliament candidate debate"

17th May 11.00-12.30 CEST
Kinodvor Cinema in the Bežigrad Theatre Cinema

The Intergenerational Coalition of Slovenia, which brings together the Slovenian Student Union (ŠOS), the School Student Organisation of Slovenia (DOS), the Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS), and the Association of Retired Persons of Slovenia (ZDUS), are organizing a debate with candidates for the European Parliament on Friday, May 17, from 11:00 to 12:30.

Through its member organizations, MeKoS represents over 1 million eligible voters, making it an undoubtedly significant player in the socio-political arena

This year’s debate will be moderated by national television (RTV) journalist Nejc Krevs, and 9 candidates from 9 leading political parties contesting in this year’s European elections will be invited.

PS! The event is in Slovenian!



European Parliament candidates' debate


The debate will be divided into 4 thematic blocks:

  • Housing issues;
  • Mental health and violence among young and elderly;
  • Sustainable mobility with an emphasis on public transport;
  • What you have done and what you will do if elected as a European parliamentarian.

Each candidate will have 1.5 minutes to respond to a question from each block. There will be occasional opportunities for rebuttals at the discretion of the moderator. At the end of the moderated discussion, 30 minutes will be allocated for questions from the audience. 



Following the event, there will be a networking session with food and drinks in the foyer.

Event location

Kinodvor Cinema in the Bežigrad Theatre Cinema

Linhartova 11

About the organiser

 The Intergenerational Coalition of Slovenia, brings together the Slovenian Student Union (ŠOS), the School Student Organisation of Slovenia (DOS), the Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS), and the Association of Retired Persons of Slovenia (ZDUS).

MeKoS represents over 1 million eligible voters, making it an undoubtedly significant player in the socio-political arena.

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